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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Pulling Together

As I play "catch up" this week on #OCL4Ed, it seems as if the essence of the message of this little clip says it all that I wanted to begin the day with..."onward" :  Pulling Together

Monday, September 9, 2013

Notations On Week 1//Preparing 4 Week 2 @ #OCL4Ed

The notion of a reflective practitioner is a fact of life in my work as an Educator.   As I have continued to think about the extent of the work here and the "Freedom", I see no other way around it.   The continued revolution, though, that we are deliberating in OCL4ED is overwhelming in a major way.

What is being reflective?  It is by having a sense of the World and recognizing how a "World View" helps to transform us as we know it today.   Theory is wonderful and embracing it is very much part of the Educational Experience.  However, Theory without fact and a realistic sense of where things are will not serve to educate and enhance the level of knowledge necessary for ultimate success.

There is one challenge in reflective education.  That challenge has to do with the simple notion of subjectivity. Sometimes one's experience does allow a sense of  tunnel vision which may prove to be detrimental to the essence of Education itself.   That's the dilemma that we have to balance as we keep an open mind.

So much to still reflect upon as we continue our ongoing dialogue here in #OCL4Ed.

Friday, September 6, 2013

A "V-Thought 4 the Week" As # OCL4Ed Continues: Never quitting :-)

Thinking about #OCL4Ed led me to revisit this so that all of us realize never ever to give up:

Don't Quit Poem Movie: If I had to guess, I would bet you are facing your fair share of challenges and obstacles in your life... I know I am. When things go wrong, and they sometimes will... how will you choose to respond? That is what this short movie is all about. Be inspired by these words of wisdom if you are thinking of quitting.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

About to Begin a Very Interesting Journey w/ OCL4Ed (2013.09)

The need to create a sense of Democracy in Education is ever more important in our changing world.  This is why I have begun my journey as I have joined OCL4Ed (2013.09) which begins on Wednesday September 4.

The opportunity to somehow get engaged, reflect upon the work and also have an opportunity to network with fellow evangelists around the World is exciting indeed.

As Diane Nyad has noted, Onward....