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Thursday, January 29, 2015

An #Outsider Newsflash: Breaking News on Google

The Leading lights of Tech have been reporting--and the picture is mixed.

We here @ #Outsiders received this and are featuring this as a "education tool" to assess what the future holds right now for the leading light of all: Google:

Google's Growth Is Slowing Down 

Google reported earnings for its fiscal fourth quarter of 2014 on Thursday. The company announced $6.88 EPS on $14.48 billion in net revenue, both of which fell below Wall Street expectations. And, as expected, Google's advertising revenue continues to slow down.

Based on company data charted for us by BI Intelligence, Google's ad revenue grew about 14% year-over-year in Q4, but its growth has been slowing down since in the middle of last year. Generally, Google's ad revenue growth has been trending downward for the past two years. Even though Google is getting more paid clicks as its audience grows, its cost-per-click has been going down pretty consistently over the last few years, so advertisers have been paying Google less. 

Read »

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An "Outsider" Newsflash Courtesy of the Team @ Techlicious: FTC Warns About a Huge Increase in Tax-Related Scams - Techlicious

A poignant reminder for us all as Tax Season is before us in the United States:

FTC Warns About a Huge Increase in Tax-Related Scams - Techlicious

Monday, January 26, 2015

Tip of the Week (II): Notations From the "Grid" On the First 90 Days on a New Job

The Team at the Business Insider put together this wonderful retrospective on how to approach the first 90-Days on a job based on talks with Mary Barra--Quite Insightful:


This is courtesy of the Team @ Fast Company on the simplest to be said to insure a sense of purpose:

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Notations From the Grid: Week-End Thoughts on Twitter

The advent of Social Media is ever so before us.   We here @ #Outsiders have a rather active & vibrant engagement within it.    We found it quite interesting as we saw this and wonder about the long-term viability of Twitter--although we're Twitter Fans and use Twitter Extensively for our "Daily Virtual Rounds" On the Grid on areas of focus.   As all will look at this, one could not help but wonder--what are the alternatives:

mikepouraryanMike Pouraryan saw this and thought of you!
Nova Spivack@novaspivack
Why Twitter’s Engagement Has Fallen | Nova Spivack - Minding the
 11:53 AM - 21 Jan 15


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Notations From the Web: On Programming Languages

This is a "newsflash" that we received here @ #Outsiders on an interesting story by the team @ +Mashable which we wanted to report on:

Mashable / Velocity


15 programming languages you need to know in 2015

If you're a programmer, these are good times.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Notations From the Grid For the Week-End (II): Avoiding Powerpoint Hell

Welcome to the Week-End here in #Outsiders. For this edition of "Notations", we thought this was quite perceptive courtesy of the Team @ Harvard Business Review--something that all of us have to contend with

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Notations From the Grid: On Free Speech & Responsibility

Monday, January 12, 2015

View of the Week: 50 Business Pioneers

As we begin a new week-end  here in #Outsiders, we wanted to begin by reporting on this courtesy of the Financial Times which we hope to expand upon over the ensuing weeks & Months.

We hope all enjoy the clip of this courtesy of the team at the Financial Times:

Sunday, January 11, 2015

An "Outsider" Week-End Newsflash: Lessons in Innovation

As we begin a new week here in #Outsiders, we wanted to report on this from the "Grid" courtesy of the team @ +Fast Company that underscores how we should always be open for better ideas constantly and consistently:  

Thought(s) 4 the Week : On Love & Overcoming Adversity

Thursday, January 8, 2015

An Outsider "Newsflash": On Bitcoins

We here @ Outsiders recently received this advisory from Mauldin Economics which puts together an interesting retrospective on Bitcoins which we wanted to report on--it is here and we have to understand it:

Nouriel Unplugged

Dear Reader,
I'm pleased to announce that my team has put the finishing touches on what I think is the most comprehensive documentary project we've ever undertaken here at Mauldin Economics.
In our new film, called Why Bitcoin Matters, my team and I investigate what Bitcoin is today, and also what it could mean for the future of money.
Watch Why Bitcoin Matters
As you'll see, we focused less on the fascination over speculating on Bitcoin's wild up and down swings and more on what the technology itself represents for the world of tomorrow.
Barry Silbert, for example, founder of SecondMarket and the Bitcoin Investment Trust, speaks about what Bitcoin-associated technologies could do to the remittance business, and how Bitcoin could decimate companies like Western Union and MoneyGram.
Mark Yusko, CEO and CIO of Morgan Creek Capital Management, talks about what intrigues financial institutions about Bitcoin technology, and what growing venture capital interest in Bitcoin could mean for Silicon Valley's plans for the technology.
You'll also hear from Mauldin Economics Chief Strategist Worth Wray, my friend and frequent dinner companion George Gilder, and Steven Lord of the Modern Money Letter.
Why Bitcoin Matters shows you what a "block chain" is, what it means to "mine" bitcoins, and what Bitcoin could do to real estate, account security, money transfer, and a host of other industries.
You can watch Why Bitcoin Matters (it runs less than 20 minutes) right now by clicking here.
If you like the film, I encourage you to share it with friends and colleagues. The more people watch and respond to Why Bitcoin Matters, the faster the next wave of innovations will take hold.
Your convinced that Bitcoin really does matter analyst,
John Mauldin
John Mauldin
Mauldin Economics

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy #2015: On the Advent of the New Year--An Idea 2 Share :-)

Welcome to #2015!!

As we begin this new year, please note this "View of the Week" which we hope is of interest as we begin a new year--the idea of visualization, meditation, exercise and constant reset is something that works.  This clip--courtesy of the team at +Fast Company was quite timely to be reminded of it all.
