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Sunday, December 8, 2013

On Being Generous: The essence of being an Educator :-)

Some ideas courtesy of Keith Ferrazi:

Tip 376 - Be Generous

Being generous of spirit is a wonderful way to live. - Pete Seeger

A Profound Act of Generosity
You know I believe in generosity. If you lead with generosity, you build strong relationships and everyone wins. But recently, I learned about Dr. Theresa Welsh, a pediatrician from Pennsylvania whose remarkable generosity and selflessness has genuinely humbled me. That I could have had even a small role in her decision reminds me that, during this holiday season, we can always give more.
The Best Way to Get Something Is to Give Something They Need 
Continuing with the theme of “leading with generosity” … During his Social Capitalist interview, James Altucher, entrepreneur and best-selling author, told us how he develops ideas specifically to give to people he'd like to establish better relationships with. Altucher said we shouldn’t be scared of giving our ideas away: “When you give, you’ll receive – and that’s the only way you’ll receive.”

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