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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

On MOOCS & Other Thoughts

This was a particularly poignant statement as I reflected upon my work with my MOOC Courses.  I did not wait--I wanted to see what the opportunity was and   I have been making headway on the course w/NovoEd and the team interaction has been fabulous.    The material presented by the Course Director have been stellar and the information ever so relevant.

In addition to the NovoEd course, I have also been making headway on the Learning by Giving Course that currently being hosted @ edX.    I nominated my local Boy Scout chapter--which unfortunately did not make it to the semi-final list.   Some of the organizations were truly deserving--including homeboy industries.  I am due to receive analysis of the "why" so that hopefully the Boy Scouts to occur.

I also have plans to "hopefully" join a Canvas Course on Data Journalism hosted @ Canvas.   I just got word that some 19,000 folks have signed up for it.  I did some "Virtual Walking Around" when I joined periodic deliberations of the Ethics MOOCS course that Santa Clara University had released through Canvass.  It was very good--and I was especially impressed with their APP that they had developed.  

WHat is clear is that MOOCS are an opportunity to rise above the crowd and build on it.  It renders the traditional model of Virtual Education obsolute--although organizations like Quality Matters are aiming to change that.    One cannot wait any longer for opportunities to occur-that's the message.

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