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Saturday, April 18, 2015

View of the Week: On #Failure

As we go "dark"and gear up for a new week throughout #Outsiders , we wanted to share this courtesy of +Jonathan Huie which we follow closely here @ #Outsiders that underscores some poignant advise as a new week dawns here throughout the #Outsiders network along with this "classic" clip from our archives:


Don't give up.
There are too many nay-sayers out there who will try to discourage you.
Don't listen to them.
The only one who can make you give up is yourself.
- Sidney Sheldon

Keep moving. Don't stop. But don't rush.
Don't race around.
Sure and steady gets you there every time.
- Neale Donald Walsch

You make a mistake, you keep going.
- Linda Gray

Achievement seems to be connected with action.
Successful men and women keep moving.
They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
- Conrad Hilton

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