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Friday, July 31, 2015

The Friday Musical Interlude (II): WSRE | StudioAmped | Roman Street (ENJOY!!!)

The Friday Musical Interlude: Antarctica - A Call To Action

It is time for the "Friday Musical Interlude" here in #Outsiders.     Keiko Matsui's 

Antarctica - A Call To Action was what our team chose due to the Mission of this channel and the continued calamity our World faces:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

An #Outsider Newsflash (7/29/2015): LRN Launches

LRN by Lrn Labs Inc is a brand new app that has just been launched.   In their Apps Store page, they note that anyone can code and it is able to work locally on the Phone.    For further information, please visit the App Store page at:

We hope to feature a review of it soon.

Monday, July 27, 2015

View of the Week: Remembering the Late President of India

We here @ #Outsiders received word earlier today on the death of the President of India.  He was known as the People's President and truly led a remarkable life.  He was a teacher and a lifelong student and in his honor, we chose this we released earlier in the Daily Outsider Tweeter Feed (courtesy of the team @NDTV) of some of his remarkable thoughts to honor this truly interesting man.   What struck us even more was how his Mother saved Kerosene Oil so that there was enough light for him to study at night.

We salute him and extend our heartfelt sorrow to India on his passing:

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Notations From the Grid (Week-End Edition II): On #Iran

Our team ran across this as we worked away which we hope all enjoy: 
This is one of my favorite videos from our Iran coverage over the last year. At the end of the day, Iranian people, just like Americans, want to have a good life with opportunity for the future.
Posted by Ezra Klein on Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Notations from the Grid (Week-End Edition): Thoughts 4 the Week-End

In the spirit of the mission of the Channel, our team chose this from +Jonathan Huie which is required reading for our team on the need to stay focused and be aware of our lives--and live our lives to the fullest:


I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze
than it should be stifled by dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor,
every atom of me in magnificent glow,
than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.
- Jack London

Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations.
For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.
- Henry David Thoreau 

Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch
which I have got a hold of for the moment,
and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible
before handing it on to future generations.
- George Bernard Shaw

We come this way but once.
We can either tiptoe through life
and hope we get to death without being badly bruised
or we can live a full, complete life
achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams.
- Bob Proctor

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Friday Musical Interlude: Elizabeth

For this edition in the "Education Channel", we settled on an "oldie" we had featured which we hope all enjoy:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Notations From the Grid: A "Tip of the Week" courtesy of the Team @ Business Insider From Bill Gates

When Bill Gates speaks, our team listens.    Our team ran across this while tending to the daily "roundup" on the "Grid" courtesy of the team +Business Insider : 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Notations For the W-End (Special Edition): On the Dalai Lama

For this edition of "Notations", our team chose this from the Dalai Lama as lessons to be learnt by us all:
The Independent (@Independent)
Six of the best pearls of wisdom from the Dalai Lama to celebrate his 80th birthday

We look forward to the opportunity to be of continued service throughout the #Outsider Properties.

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Friday Musical Interlude: Lisa Stansfield Live....

It is time again for the "Friday Musical Interlude" here in #Outsiders.    We hope all enjoy Lisa Stansfield as we hope all enjoy the interludes in our South County , Ordinary Faces & Visions Property--and hope all make it a beautiful weekend:

Notations From the Grid: On Eid al-Fitr Celebrations Around the World

It has been a horrific 24 hours around the Muslim World as the Boko Haram attacked, a car bomb in Iraq claimed countless lives and the war in Syria continues to rage on.   But, there was still cause for celebration for many Muslims around the World as noted in this our team reported on in our Twitter Feed courtesy of the @The Guardian of London:

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thought 4 the Week

It has been a very challenging week.    But part of the mission of Outsiders is about a hopeful and engaging world.    Our team decided on this for this edition of "Thought 4 the Week" that our Founder ran across to reflect upon the possibilities: 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

An #Outsider Newsflash (7/14/20145): Adobe Flash & Microsoft Windows Vulnerabilities

We received this advisory from US-CERT that we felt was quite important to release for all to be aware of the challenges at hand with solutions being laid out:


National Cyber Awareness System:
07/14/2015 07:13 PM EDT

Original release date: July 14, 2015

Systems Affected

Microsoft Windows systems with Adobe Flash Player installed.


Used in conjunction, recently disclosed vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash and Microsoft Windows may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with system privileges. Since attackers continue to target and find new vulnerabilities in popular, Internet-facing software, updating is not sufficient, and it is important to use exploit mitigation and other defensive techniques.


The following vulnerabilities illustrate the need for ongoing mitigation techniques and prioritization of updates for highly targeted software:
  • Adobe Flash use-after-free and memory corruption vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-5119CVE-2015-5122CVE-2015-5123Adobe Flash Player contains critical vulnerabilities within the ActionScript 3 ByteArray, opaqueBackground and BitmapData classes. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system.
  • Microsoft Windows Adobe Type Manager privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2015-2387)
    The Adobe Type Manager module contains a memory corruption vulnerability, which can allow an attacker to obtain system privileges on an affected Windows system. The Adobe Type Manager is a Microsoft Windows component present in every version since NT 4.0. The primary impact of exploiting this vulnerability is local privilege escalation.

Vulnerability Chaining

By convincing a user to visit a website or open a file containing specially crafted Flash content, an attacker could combine any one of the three Adobe Flash vulnerabilities with the Microsoft Windows vulnerability to take full control of an affected system.
A common attack vector for exploiting a Flash vulnerability is to entice a user to load Flash content in a web browser, and most web browsers have Flash installed and enabled. A second attack vector for Flash vulnerabilities is through a file (such as an email attachment) that embeds Flash content. Another technique leverages Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) capabilities in Microsoft Office documents to automatically download Flash content from a remote server.
An attacker who is able to execute arbitrary code through the Flash vulnerability could exploit the Adobe Type Manager vulnerability to gain elevated system privileges. The Adobe Type Manager vulnerability allows the attacker to bypass sandbox defenses (such as those found in Adobe Reader and Google Chrome) and low integrity protections (such as Protected Mode Internet Explorer and Protected View for Microsoft Office).


The Adobe Flash vulnerabilities can allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code. Exploitation of the Adobe Type Manager vulnerability could then allow the attacker to execute code with system


Since attackers regularly target widely deployed, Internet-accessible software such as Adobe Flash and Microsoft Windows, it is important to prioritize updates for these products to defend against known vulnerabilities.
Since attackers regularly discover new vulnerabilities for which updates do not exist, it is important to enable exploit mitigation and other defensive techniques.

Apply Security Updates

The Adobe Flash vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-5119CVE-2015-5122CVE-2015-5123) are addressed in Adobe Security Bulletins APSB15-16 and APSB15-18. Users are encouraged to review the Bulletins and apply the necessary updates.
The Microsoft Windows Adobe Type Manager vulnerability (CVE-2015-2387) is addressed in Microsoft security BulletinMS15-077. Users are encouraged to review the Bulletin and apply the necessary updates.
Additional information regarding the vulnerabilities can be found in Vulnerability Notes VU#561288VU#338736,VU#918568, and VU#103336.

Limit Flash Content

Do not run untrusted Flash content. Most web browsers have Flash enabled by default, however, it may be possible to enable click-to-play features. For information see

Use the Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET)

EMET can be used to help prevent exploitation of the Flash vulnerabilities. In particular, Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) can be configured to help restrict Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer from loading the Flash ActiveX control. See the following link for additional information:


Revision History

  • July 14, 2015: Initial Release

This product is provided subject to this Notification and this Privacy & Use policy.

A copy of this publication is available at If you need help or have questions, please send an email to Do not reply to this message since this email was sent from a notification-only address that is not monitored. To ensure you receive future US-CERT products, please add to your address book.

Notations On Our WOrld: On #Pluto & Beyond.....

As the World was celebrating the deal with Iran & we here @ #Outsiders were busy w/late breaking developments, another pivotal development also occurred which we briefly reported on.    We wanted to share this we received from the White House that is quite telling.     As we went to press tonight, NASA noted that the New Horizons Interplanetary Probe has left our Solar System and has embarked to explore the true unknown...

May we truly live in Interesting times....

The White House, Washington
This morning, the United States became the first country to reach Pluto -- and the first country to explore the entire classical solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
NASA's New Horizons interplanetary probe has been making its way to Pluto since January 19, 2006, and has been providing the world with the sharpest photos ever seen of our Solar System's most prominent "dwarf planet." Today, it made its closest approach to Pluto yet -- about 8,000 miles -- at around 07:49:57 EDT.
Here's the photo they took -- which, despite traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), took four and a half hours to reach us here on Earth as it crossed the 3 billion miles between here and Pluto:
The closest photo we've taken of Pluto.

That we were able to get so close to Pluto today is a feat whose probability scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson likened to "a hole-in-one on a two-mile golf shot." He's right.
Every once in a while, a photo comes along that has the ability to shift not just how we see our place in the universe, but how we see ourselves -- not just as Americans, but as citizens of Earth.
This is one of those photos, and I hope you'll share it with someone today.
More soon --
Dr. John P. Holdren
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy
The White House

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

Notations From the Grid: On the #IranDeal & the Perilous Journey Ahead

As we have been assessing the Iran Deal all morning here @ #Outsiders, the lines in the sand are being drawn.    For this edition of the "Grid", our team wanted to share this which lays out the perilous journey ahead as outlined by    PETER BEINART of the Atlantic  for all to get a sense of what to do expect over the ensuing weeks:  

Another historical milestone has also been reached as we begin this historic day: 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

An #Outsider Newsflash: WNYC Podcast Accelerator accepting entries [US] | IJNet

Our team is on the prowl for periodic opportunities and we wanted to showcase this.   The deadline is July 15:

WNYC Podcast Accelerator accepting entries [US] | IJNet

Notations For the Week-End: Changing The World (A Ted Playlist)

+TED yet again has enticed us all to think about how to be the change and to be reminded of Gandhi Ji's admonition to be the change we want to see in our World.     We hope all enjoy this:

Small ways to change the world

Little things that you (yes, you) can do now (yes, now) to make a difference. Watch »
10 TED Talks • Total run time 1:51:18

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Friday Musical Interlude: Flo Rida ft. Robin Thicke & Verinda White

As Friday has dawned, it is time for the Friday Musical Interlude.    Our team, for this channel, chose this which we hope all enjoy!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Thought For the Week

 ... selfishness have few desires lao tzu act without expectation lao tzu
For this edition, our team chose this from Lao Tzu that goes to the heart of what an Education Entails:

Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Notations From the Grid: On Your First Leadership Job | Bonus Chapters and Tools | DDI

We begin this new week throughout the #outsiders network with this "tip of the week".  Our team just ran across this which we wanted to report on and hope all find it of interest.     We hope all enjoy it as we hope to have comments on it soon. 

 Your First Leadership Job | Bonus Chapters and Tools | DDI

Sunday, July 5, 2015

An #Outsider Newsflash: On the Brutality of Daesh/IS Syria: Family Gunned Down by ISIS

Our team just received this.  It is heart-wrenching to listen--but the World must know as the World fights the merchants of death of Daesh/IS:  

Notations For the Week-End: "Tips Of the Week" To Share

As we gear up for a very busy month throughout the #Outsiders Properties,  our team was assessing all the latest it had received from the multitude of sources.  For this edition here, the team settled on some ideas courtesy of the team @ which our team consults regularly.    The ideas are quite timely and engaging for all to take advantage of--and of course some timely and interesting advise from the ever insightful John Maxwell:

50 Ways to Win in Business
50 Ways to Win in Business
Celebrate your independence this Fourth of July with 50 tips to make your business better from Dave and business coaches Chris Hogan and Christy Wright.
Read Article
How to Leave a Legacy - B
How to Leave a Legacy
What kind of impact will you leave in this world? Leadership expert John C. Maxwell shares his legacy dreams and how you can improve yours.
Are You Headed for a Breakdown

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Notations On Our World: On the Solar Impulse & the Possibilities....

As we have been preparing to go "dark" for the July 4 Week-End in the United States, we have been amazed at the possibilities we have researched and commented on.     As we wish all in the United States a happy and safe 4th of July, we wanted to share this latest bulletin we received on the Solar Impulse (featured here in #Outsiders at the #Visions Channel).  Education is about possibilities and we hope to be able to report on its' progress next week as we leave you with this that we hope all will periodically check out.

Happy Birthday America!!  

We look forward to "seeing" all next week as we return with our regular features--including the Friday Musical Interlude.

OCEAN CROSSING TO HAWAII: MORNING PROGRAM - DAY 5#LIVE at 17:50 UTC. This is your daily morning update!

On June 28th, Si2 took off at 18:03 UTC from Nagoya, with André at the controls, for a historic flight over the Pacific ocean to Hawaii. This is officially a world-breaking flight in terms of duration, and he still has 24 hours to go!

Si2 has made it through four full cycles, completing a 4 days and 4 nights flight. In today’s morning program, we will take you through the energy neutral morning point - the most critical moment of the day. Additionally, you will hear everything about André's challenging night trying to cross the cold front, accumulated fatigue, going through turbulence, and extremely low battery levels. NOW is the moment of truth of this 8th flight.
We will also explain you the special deal that we have offered to our supporters: if 50 #futureisclean paper plane videos are shared on social media, André will accept to sing a song LIVE whilst flying... Make it happen and send us your video!
This is a historic first. We are demonstrating that human commitment and clean technologies can achieve the impossible: flying across an ocean on solar power only. Still, we need your support. Add your voice on to ensure that our airplane will make a real difference. 
Watch the LIVE Morning Show from the Mission Control Center