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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thought 4 the Week: "Savour The unknown"

For this edition of "Thought 4 the Week" Our team chose this from our daily "must reads" courtesy of +Jonathan Huie .   It is about the Education Road and the pursuit of the possible which is at the heart of what we're trying to do here @ #Outsiders: 

We all have a fear of the unknown.

What one does with that fear will make all the difference in the world.
- Lillian Russell 

Have no fear of moving into the unknown.
Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you,
therefore no harm can befall you;
all is very, very well.
Do this in complete faith and confidence.
- Pope John Paul II

Fear of the unknown is
the greatest fear of humankind,
and death the greatest unknown.
Acknowledging these doubts and fears
is a powerful beginning.
It is liberating to say,
"Yes, I don't know, and yes, I am afraid."
Beyond that, the path to happiness
lies in living in the moment -
enjoying what you are doing today.
You don't need a reason to be happy,
just a choice.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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