A We Go Dark on this 9/11 Day, we begin by sharing this message from the co-founder of 911.Org:
We are also honored to feature this call to action from the Corporation for National Service Across all our properties:

We are also honored to feature this call to action from the Corporation for National Service Across all our properties:
9/11 Day and the Spirit of Service
On Monday, the nation will observe the 16th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States.
This day could have easily become one that focused on those who attacked our nation and the American way of life. However, the families who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001, wanted to mark this date by looking forward while recognizing the lives lost and remembering those who rose up in service.
From first responders who face danger every day, to people who changed their career paths to pursue military or public service, to the simple acts that everyday Americans integrated into their lives, millions of stories of service emerged from the aftermath of 9/11.
The Corporation for National and Community service is charged with leading the nation in service on September 11th that honors the spirit of unity and service that infused the nation in the weeks and months after this tragedy. It is a responsibility we cherish.
“In the dark days following September 11th, Americans came together as a country to show that we are there for each other,” said Kim Mansaray, Acting CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. “We see this same spirit of service in the extraordinary acts of neighbor helping neighbor and stranger helping stranger in communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey. I am proud that so many Americans choose to dedicate this day to give back in honor of the victims and heroes of September 11th. This is America at its best.”
At our core, Americans understand the challenges that we face require its citizens to stand tall in times of need, demonstrating the resilience, kindness, and compassion that are defining characteristics of our people.
Patriot Day, as it has come to be called, is an opportunity to join together and serve to honor those who perished on 9/11 and remember the bonds we share that keep the fabric of our nation strong.
We encourage everyone to find service and volunteering opportunities in your community to commemorate this day by searching for opportunities on our 9/11 Day webpage. Our September 11th partners at My Good Deed also have ideas to mark the day along with links where you can find service events or register ones in your community.
We hope you take this opportunity to commit to making service and volunteering part of your life. It is the best way we can think of to pay tribute to the victims and heroes of September 11th.
In service,
CNCS Office of External Affairs
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