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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Education Watch w/the latest From #California

In our view, what happens in California matters.     The latest snapshot courtesy of the team at EdSource (one of our must reads for our Education Property) reflects this that we are pleased to present here for our Weekly "Notations From the Grid":

Podcast: This Week in California Education
This week Executive Director Louis Freedberg and Editor-at-Large John Fensterwald explore how a new state agency is addressing the state's teacher shortage by pitching teaching to the next generation of potential educators and helping them navigate their way to the classroom. They speak with Donna Glassman-Sommer, the executive director of the California Center on Teaching Careers, which running new ads promoting teaching. They discuss:

  • How much does salary matter?
  • What's a persuasive message to college students and others?
  • Is it a hard case to make?

John and Louis also discuss the news of the week:

Despite sharp criticisms by the U.S. Department of Education, the State Board of Education is sticking with its plan for complying with a federal law requiring states to improve low-performing schools. John explains what the disagreement is about.

In a shocking case of physical abuse, a couple from Perris with state authority to run a private school in their home faces charges of mistreating and imprisoning their 13 children for more than a decade. Louis discusses the lack of state regulations of homeschooling and actions the Legislature may take in response.

Can 600-plus California districts narrow the achievement gap?
John Fensterwald & Daniel J. Willis, EdSource

Most must act on their own, without state or county assistance.

California to explain but not change school improvement plan federal officials criticized
By John Fensterwald, EdSource

More details and tweaks in wording may not resolve key differences over Every Student Succeeds Act.

Initiative backers betting 2018 will be the year to take on California's Proposition 13
By John Fensterwald, EdSource

“Split-roll” proposal would raise billions for schools and local governments by increasing property taxes on businesses.

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