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Monday, September 23, 2019

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Our World

Please Enjoy the Following Courtesy of the team at the Visual Capitalist:

How China is Using Tech and Surveillance to Score Its Citizens
This infographic explores how China’s proposed social credit system will monitor and surveil citizens, and how it'll be used to reward or punish them.
Ranked: The Megaregions Driving the Global Economy
This stunning map ranks the world’s most powerful megaregions—together, they contribute a whopping $28 trillion to the global economy.
Which Countries Are the Biggest Drag on the EU Budget?
As Brexit looms, the EU budget is under the microscope. Learn which countries contribute the most—and least—to the bottom line in this chart.
Why Investors Should Rethink Traditional Income Strategies
Traditional longer-terms bonds are no longer as effective—so which additional income strategies should investors be considering?
Visualizing Social Media Use by Generation
Every generation has the same desire for connection, but the way in which we connect over social media differs across age groups and regions.
All the S&P 500 Women CEOs in One Timeline (2000-2019)
Since the turn of the century, only a meager 5.6% of S&P 500-indexed companies have been led by women. This interactive timeline highlights their tenures.

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