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Sunday, August 24, 2014

A "Tip of the Week" On Self-Publishing: Guidance From From Guy Kawasaki & Other Brief Thoughts

A central focus of the "Education Road" is simple: to share thoughts & ideas to help elevate knowledge with a special focus on the Education Space.  As a new week dawns here in "Outsiders", this on Slide Share was of particular interest as Self-Publishing has become a tool for Educators and Subject Matter Experts around the World from one of the masters out there today available here: 

This is fitting as one is reminded of this admonition:

Sunrise Inspiration from
The power to affect your future
lies within your own hands.
Nido Qubein

& Remembering this admonition from Einstein:

Sunrise Inspiration from
In the middle of every difficulty comes opportunity.
Albert Einstein

Onward!!! :-)

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