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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Notations For the Week-End (II) : On MERLOT

For this edition of "Notations For the Week-End", we wanted to share the latest from the MERLOT Organizaiton which we view as a vital and engaging organizaiton contributing to the betterment of Education today and for which we here @ #Outsiders have done periodic contributions for and are proud to support:

 *   Emerging Technologies for Online Learning 2015 Conference<>
 *   MERLOT Awards<>
 *   MERLOT and Africa Network<>
 *   American Kinesiology Association and MERLOT<>

 *   Update on the MERLOT Community<>
 *   GRAPE Camp 2015<>

 *   What's New in MERLOT Technology?<>
 *   Social Networking and MERLOT<>

 *   International Conference on Technology in Higher Education<>
 *   OLC Blended Learning Conference and Workshop<>
 *   OLC International Conference<>
 *   Quality Matters Conference<>

 *   Who Uses MERLOT?<>

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