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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

An #Outsider Newsflash (Special Edition): On Time Person of The Year 2015

It has been yet again a rather interesting day in our World as +TIME magazine's personal of the year was announced.    We received this newsletter from Time Magazine that we wanted to feature in its' entirety for all to review.

Our view is that Angela Merkel was a great choice because of all she has done to keep Europe together and her courageous decision on the refugees.       We found it unfortuante that they had the #Daesh Leader was the runner-up.    We were not too surprised about the others--including President Rohani of Iran who is dealing with profound challenges inside Iran--including a severe recession that has just hit the country.

Some interesting read here as we're winding down the year:

TIME's Person of the Year: Angela Merkel
Editor Nancy Gibbs explains why the German Chancellor is TIME's choice for Person of the Year 2015
Chancellor of the Free World: Read the Full Story
Angela Merkel’s journey from daughter of a Lutheran pastor in East Germany to de facto leader of a continent
Why It's Been 29 Years Since a Woman Was Person of the Year
Angela Merkel is TIME's first female Person of the Year since 1986, a reflection of the growing influence of powerful women
The 13 Most Surprising Things About Angela Merkel
Did you know this year's Person of the Year is a soccer-loving scientist nicknamed 'Mutti' who is reportedly afraid of dogs?
Person of the Year Runner-up: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Person of the Year Runner-up: Donald Trump

Person of the Year Runner-up: Black Lives Matter Activists

Person of the Year Runner-up: Hassan Rouhani

Person of the Year Runner-up: Travis Kalanick

Person of the Year Runner-up: Caitlyn Jenner

Past Persons of the Year: Where Are They Now?


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