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Saturday, January 2, 2016

As #2016 Begins: Some "Tips & Techinques"

In case we missed you this year ... (some thoughts I think might be most valuable to you and your team in 2016)
Fridays & Mondays
A quick thought to embracing the true value of every... single ... day.
2 Ways to Invite Good Things
A walk through the airport ... a reminder on the importance of being engaged.
The Boss Complex
This past summer, I got my first traffic ticket in more than 5 years ... a lesson for me on the slippery slope to losing self-awareness (not a good thing).
I'm starting to be offended by the offended. A couple thoughts on where our time and energy might be better invested.
Permission to Be Kind
A New York Times opinion piece on civility at work gave us a great little team meeting. Here's what we did (and what you can do).

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