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Saturday, January 16, 2016

View of the Week (W-End Edition): An Opportunity to make a Difference

Our team has been pleased to join this and we wanted to feature this as a sense of the true art of the possible  and engagement in our World.   We hope all consider joining!!!

Thank you for becoming a global citizen. You’ve joined a community of millions of people working together to create a better world.

You probably joined Global Citizen because you care about ending extreme poverty, combating disease, and protecting the environment, and you want to make a difference (even if you’re not sure how).

You came to the right place. As a global citizen you can learn more about issues you care about, connect with like-minded people, and take meaningful actions to solve some of the world’s toughest problems.

Want to know how you can start to help?  Watch and share this short video, and show the world that we have the means to end extreme poverty. 
Here’s what we know: Since 1990, extreme poverty has been reduced by half. We’ve made A LOT of progress in combating poverty, but there’s still work to be done.

Today, 1.2 billion people still live on less than the equivalent of $1.25 a day.That’s nearly 20% of the world’s population.

But there’s hope. The Global Citizen community is committed to supporting the world’s poor so they have a fair chance to improve their lives.

Check out this short video to learn more about the impact we’re making as global citizens. 

Consider this your first step in helping to create a better world. That’s what being a global citizen is all about.

Thank you for all that you do, 
Global Citizen 

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