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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

View of the Week: On the US Presidential Campaign (Source: Global Citizen)

We received this from Global Citizen on the US Presidential Candidates that we hope all enjoy--and as we went to press, we note that Rand Paul is of the race for President:

This is a pivotal election year that will have an impact on you, the global community, and especially the world’s poor.

Yesterday, voters in Iowa gathered in caucuses to name their preferred presidential nominee for the Democratic and Republican parties. As front-runner candidates take one step closer to their national party conventions, it’s extremely important that global citizens know where candidates stand on critical issues like foreign aid, national security, immigration, and climate change.

If we are going to be the generation that ends extreme poverty, we must know who our leaders are, what they represent, and how they plan to ensure a brighter future for citizens everywhere.  

Find out where leading U.S. presidential candidates stand on the issues global citizens care about.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Former Secretary of State, former Senator for New York, former First Lady of the U.S.
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Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz
Senator for Texas, former Solicitor General for Texas, former Advisor to Pres. George W. Bush.
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Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
Senator for Vermont, former Congressmen for Vermont, former Mayor of Burlington. 
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Donald Trump
Donald Trump
International businessman, Reality TV Star, larger than life personality.
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