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Saturday, February 13, 2016

View of the Week (Weekend Edition): On Creating a Digital Profile

Welcome to #Outsiders Week-End.

We wanted to report on this hosted at Vitae Earlier this week.   We hope all find it of interest: 

Good afternoon!

We’re sorry we missed you at our webinar, Developing Your Academic Digital Identity. It went really well! But don’t worry, we recorded it so you can watch it any time. Here’s the link: Feel free to share it with anyone you think might be interested.

If you haven’t already, please join us in our Vitae group. This is a great place to discuss your digital identity and I’ll be around to answer questions about Vitae. But make sure to complete your Vitae profile before joining in, or we’ll judge you (just kidding)! Also, in case you haven’t seen it, there was some AWESOME conversation going on via Twitter during and after the webinar. Click here for a recap.

Again, we’re sorry we missed you!

Leah Bryce
Community Manager, Vitae

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