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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Notations From the Grid : On How Astreoids are Named!! :)))

Welcome to Wednesday here in #outsiders.    As our team has been on the prowl throughout the day, we chose these as +NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory named an Asteroid after Dr. Firouz Naderi who recently announced his retirement after serving at +NASA for over 38 Years.    We here at #Outsiders congratulate Dr. Naderi on this momentous honor and wish all all the best.  

How is an Asteroid Named???Since last night I have been inundated with questions as to how an asteroid is named after...
Posted by Firouz Naderi on Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Coolest Honor I Have ReceivedTonight at NASA/JPL farewell party I learned that they have named an asteroid after me!!!...
Posted by Firouz Naderi on Tuesday, March 29, 2016

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