Top 4 Inspirational Videos
Millions of people have been touched by our inspiring videos. They will help you be your best self in all areas of your life. Check out some of our favorites now!
1. Finding Joy: Simple Secrets to a Happy Life
Life can be complicated but happiness is really pretty simple. Discover your joy with this inspirational video and share it with others!
2. 212 The Extra Degree
211° is nearly boiling...but raising the temperature that one extra degree means the difference between something that is very hot and something that generates enough force to power a machine. This simple metaphor can fuel our every endeavor–serving as a force that consistently pushes us to make the extra effort is everything we do. The one extra degree may be all that separates you from being great.
3. Learning to Dance in the Rain
No matter your season in life or the challenges you face, understanding the power of gratitude can change your life forever! Don't stop for the rain...just dance!
4. The Power of Kindness
What's the most effective technique for transforming your life? Simple: just be a little kinder. Watch this touching video and pay it forward.
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