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Monday, April 24, 2017

An #Outsider Newsflash (Special Edition): On the Looming Government Shutdown

Please note this courtesy of Business Forward:

Congress needs to approve a federal spending plan—or pass a short-term continuing resolution—by next Friday, April 28 or the federal government will shut down.

Please join us on Tuesday for a conference call on the upcoming deadline and the broader budget fights facing Congress.

The day Congress returns from a two-week recess, budget expert Jacob Leibenluft will give an overview of what to expect around this appropriations deadline and what the coming debate over the budget means for the economy.
Can you join our conference call on the federal budget?

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Here are the details:

Conference call on the federal budget

Jacob Leibenluft
Senior Advisor
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Tuesday, April 25
2:00 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. PT
Please note: This call is on the record.

Click here to register.

If you can’t make it, sign up for a recording.


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