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Friday, June 23, 2017

Notations On Our World (Special Friday Edition): On Identity Theft

U.S. Department of Homeland Security US-CERT
National Cyber Awareness System:

05/25/2017 05:20 PM EDT

Original release date: May 25, 2017, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released an alert about how quickly criminals begin using your personal information once it is posted to a hacker site by an identity thief. FTC researchers found that it can take as few as 9 minutes for crooks to access stolen personal information posted to hacker sites. To prevent identity theft, a user should follow password security best practices, such as multi-factor authentication, which requires a user to simultaneously present multiple pieces of information to verify their identity.

US-CERT encourages users to refer to the FTC alert and the US-CERT Tips on Preventing and Responding to Identity TheftChoosing and Protecting Passwords, and Supplementing Passwords for more information:

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