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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Notations From the Grid (W-End Edition) : The Automatic Customer (From Our Archives)

Image result for The Automatic Customer

Our team wanted to share this excerpts from our research on the Automatic Customer which we hope all enjoy which we assess in our own properties as we continue to work to transform our network:

1. A free chapter of The Automatic Customer
As promised, here’s the sample chapter of The Automatic Customer. You’ll find links for where to buy the book at
2. E-book
Click here to download the e-book on 9 subscription models that can be applied to any business.
3. Eight Part video series
In part 1 of the 8-part video series on the drivers of company value, we explore how your financial performance impacts your company’s value. I will send you the next part of the series each day for the next seven days.
I shot the videos in my capacity as the founder of a company called The Value Builder System™ where we help business owners improve the value of their company. You can see what we’re up to

John Warrillow
Author of Built to Sell & The Automatic Customer
Creator of The Value Builder System 
© Built to Sell Inc.
577 Kingston Rd #211
Toronto, Ontario M4E 3H7

A shotgun deal is the most brutal form of capitalism. When you can’t stand your partner anymore, you offer them a price for their shares. They have two choices: accept your offer or buy you out for the same amount. Triggering a shotgun deal can have explosive results, as Kim Ades found when she offered to buy out her husband’s share of Upward Motion.

The secret to a shotgun deal is making a reasonable offer—one that you would be willing to accept yourself. To find out what a fair offer would be, get your Value Builder Score now.
P.S. Advisors: If you are an M&A professional and help people like Trent create short lists of potential buyers, we would love to talk.
John Warrillow
Author of Built to Sell & The Automatic Customer
Creator of The Value Builder System 
© Built to Sell Inc.
577 Kingston Rd #211
Toronto, Ontario M4E 3H7

Since you signed up at, you have received parts 1,23 and 4 of the 8-part video series describing the drivers of company value that I promised you.
Today’s video looks at the role recurring revenue plays in making your company look irresistible to an acquirer.
The recurring revenue stream you create from “Automatic Customers” is key to driving up your company’s value.
I can say this with confidence because over at The Value Builder System™, we have analyzed and advised more than 17,000 businesses and we’ve found that those users with at least 50% of their revenue from recurring sources were more likely to get an unsolicited written offer to buy their business. As well, the value of those offers was significantly higher than average.
We’ve developed a 12-step process for creating recurring revenue and improving your company’s value, following the themes in both The Automatic Customer and Built to Sell. It all starts with your Value Builder Score, which you can get by completing a short, confidential questionnaire about your business. If you’re interested in getting your score, please visit
John Warrillow
Author of Built to Sell & The Automatic Customer
Creator of The Value Builder System 
© Built to Sell Inc.
577 Kingston Rd #211
Toronto, Ontario M4E 3H7

Since you signed up at, you have received parts 1,234 and 5 of our 8-part video series describing the drivers of company value.
Today’s video looks at what Warren Buffett called your “competitive moat” – the single most important factor for improving the value of your business to an acquirer.
If you’re wondering how Warren Buffett would evaluate your competitive moat, get your Value Builder Score, which evaluates your business on the eight factors that drive your company’s value - including how well you have differentiated your product or service. Take The Value Builder Questionnairehere.
John Warrillow
Author of Built to Sell & The Automatic Customer
Creator of The Value Builder System 
© Built to Sell Inc.
577 Kingston Rd #211
Toronto, Ontario M4E 3H7

Okay, here we go, your second-to-last video in our 8-part series on driving the value of your company (and here are parts 12345 and 6 in case you missed any.)
Today’s video looks at how to create a legion of customers that are willing to refer you, which is arguably a prerequisite for getting a premium offer for your business.
Speaking of getting a premium offer for your business, have you completed the Value Builder questionnaire yet? Owners that achieve a Value Builder Score of 80 + (out of 100) get offers that are 71% higher than average. Get your score by completing the questionnaire here.
John Warrillow
Author of Built to Sell & The Automatic Customer
Creator of The Value Builder System 
© Built to Sell Inc.
577 Kingston Rd #211
Toronto, Ontario M4E 3H7

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