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Monday, September 24, 2018

Notations From the Grid (Quarter-End Edition): On the Resilient Response Initiative

We hereby present this courtesy of the team at Global Citizen introducing Resilient Response--critical especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence and the need to have a grass-roots community approach featuring the Resilient Response Initiative: 

Precisely a year ago, Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, claiming the lives of almost 3000 people, cutting off all of the island’s electricity, and leaving thousands without shelter, food, or water.
The frequency and intensity of natural disasters like Maria are likely to only increase, meaning more destruction and lives lost. There is overwhelming data that points to the disproportionate impact that natural disasters have on vulnerable populations, especially those living in poverty.
The generous outpouring of donations after a natural disaster is critical for the recovery of impacted communities. However, this giving is often misaligned — vexing both the beneficiaries and the donors themselves
That is why Global Citizen, Good360 and All Hands and Hearts - Smart Response have launched the Resilient Response Initiative.
Read more about the Resilient Response Initiative and learn how you can join.
The goal of the Resilient Response Initiative is to change the ways individuals and corporations give after a disaster - to build stronger communities that will be more resilient towards future disasters.
What can global citizens do, then, to help, rather than harm, during disaster relief? The solution is purposeful disaster-giving.
While in the midst of hurricane season, and on the heels of Hurricane Florence, we must be prepared to address the immediate and long-term needs of impacted communities. Only then will we be able to build stronger communities that will be more resilient towards future disasters.
Join the campaign and commit to engage in Resilient Response.
For more resilient communities,Marissa and the Global Citizen Team

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