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Monday, March 9, 2020

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Our World....

As a new week dawns, we hereby present a snapshot of the latest courtesy of the team at the Visual Capitalist that we are pleased to present as we wish all the best of weeks and implore all to be attentive to all guidance on the preventive measures not to be afflicted with the #CoronaVirus with the latest available through the World Health Organization & the Centers for Disease Control in the United States

All the World’s Metals and Minerals in One Visualization

This massive infographic reveals the dramatic scale of 2019 non-fuel mineral global production.
The Most Loved Brands, by Generation
Can a brand transcend time and be all things to all people? This graphic seeks to find out by visualizing the most loved brands by generation.
The Length and Growth of Every Modern Bull Market
This chart compares every U.S. bull market since WWII based on length and strength. Where will the chips fall on the most recent bull run?
Ranked: The Most Innovative Economies in the World
A country's ability to innovate helps it stay competitive on the global stage. Where are the most innovative economies, and how has the list changed?
The Rising Earning Power of Women, Visualized
Since 1981, the proportion of female breadwinners—women who earn more than their husbands—has almost doubled. However, women still face many barriers.
Where Are the World's Most Sustainable Companies?
In the race towards a greener future, many corporations are playing an active role. Where are the world's most sustainable companies located?
The World’s Highest Mountains, And What Their Names Mean
Mountains have inspired humans for centuries. But while Everest and Kilimanjaro might ring a bell, do you know the true meanings behind their names?
Silver Series: Perfect Storm for Silver (Part 2 of 3)
In Part Two of the Silver Series, we show that the supply and demand fundamentals are potentially shaping up for a perfect storm in silver prices.
This Week's Flashback Favorites:

Visual Capitalist's "Best of 2019" List
A countdown of our top infographics from 2019, including some of our most viewed graphics and other hand-picked entries from our staff.

Originally from December 2019

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