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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thought(s) for the Week-End

As the Week-End is Before us, this "snapshot" courtesy of the folks @ Guideposts are ever so timely about the need to hope and stay the course...


Inspirational Roundup 
A look back at the week's top stories

When Prayers Go Unanswered

My spiritual models and mentors keep on praying through it all, persevering.
By Rick Hamlin
“I am so tired of unanswered prayers!” the person wrote to us. “One was almost a yes, we were SO excited, then at the very last minute it was a crushing NO! More tears and heartache! I give up on praying! Thanks for trying!” Read More
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Napkin Notes of Love

Garth Callaghan's fight with cancer is heroic, but it's the love he shares with his daughter that makes his story truly inspiring. 
By Jessica Toomer, New York, NY
“You have cancer.” Three words that can change a life. Three words no one wants to hear. Three words Callaghan has been told four different times. The son of a mortician, Callaghan has spent plenty of time around death, but facing his own expiration date after being diagnosed with Metastatic Kidney Cancer a couple of years ago wasn’t something he could have ever prepared for. Read More
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Miraculous Monarchs

Imagine something weighing less than 1/5 of a penny flying up to 2500 miles!
By Judy Royal Glenn
Around this time every year, millions and millions of Monarch butterflies are arriving in Mexico for the winter. They can’t survive the approaching cold in the north, so they fly south for warmer temperatures and a food source.
Monarchs from central and eastern Canada and those east of the Rocky Mountains make this journey while Monarchs west of the Continental Divide migrate to California. Read More
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