As we wind down the Quarter here @ #Outsiders, we wanted to share this as we look to the new quarter here in Outsiders. Although we do not believe we "stole the show", we look forward to the opportunity to serve to do what we can to transform and engage:
Welcome to the Education Corner, A Daily Outsider Property Working to Help transform our Conversation About Our World:
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Notations On Our World: On the Clinton Global Initaitive (An #Outsider Special)
We have been following with great interest the proceedings of the annual Clinton Global Initiative. It has not been as "prevalent" on the news as years past--however the commitments nonethless are quite interesting and we wanted to report on the latest here:
Monday, September 28, 2015
An #Outsiders Newsflash: 12 Steps to Getting Your iPhone 6s Set up the Right Way - Techlicious
Our team ran across this little 'retrospective" on iPhone setup which provides some timely and engaging reminders as outlined here courtesy of the team @Technilious:
12 Steps to Getting Your iPhone 6s Set up the Right Way - Techlicious
Notations On our World: On the State of the US Elections
It is the end of the quarter and candidates are beginning their final push for numbers. The US Public Affairs shows on Sunday featured a whole host of candidates. Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina were on NBC's Meet the Press as John Kasich was on Face The Nation. The combative nature of Carly Fiorina was especially interesting as she dismissed all the criticism against here by noting how everyone lies and she's the only one who is telling the truth. Hillary Clinton also faced some tough questions today.
On Sunday, The Sanders campaign was in our "neck of the woods"-Orange County as his campaign continues to be soldier on. As we went to press, though, what we found telling were the polling numbers that NBC News reported on Meet the Press Sunday. The three leading GOP so-called "outsiders" continue to lead the pack--as Marco Rubio and John Kasich continue to "gather steam". A Kasich-Rubio combination will be interesting if it goes up against a Clinton-Webb ticket.
Our team also had a chance to catch GOP Presidential candidates appearing at the Voter Values Summit. Senator Cruz was in his element about a nuclear Iran, repealing Obamacare and what he said, " introduce the Ayatollah to 72 Virgins" (basically to see it that he is assassinated to the appaluse of the all. It was striking how angry he was.
Donald Trump, though, continues to soldier on as well. He noted in his 60-Minutes interview on Sunday that he would have a Tax Plan and reitrated how he was going to self-fund through the Convention. This is as Jeb Bush, though, continues to poll quite poorly as he sent out this fundraising appeal as well as HIllary Clinton that had fundraisers sent out under both her own name and her Campaign Chair, John Podesta:
This is the most important email I’ve sent to supporters since we launched the campaign, so I’m going to cut right to the chase.
We’re only 4 days away from filing our quarterly fundraising report. This report will be posted for the world to see and as I’m writing this email, we’re still short of our goal of $200,000 for the month.
I need your help. I need you to pitch in $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford so we can turn this around.
This is a major deadline and it couldn’t come at a more critical time in our fight to take on Hillary Clinton in 2016. I know it doesn’t seem like an issue at first, but whether or not we have a strong showing could make or break this campaign.
My opponents will be pouring over every detail of our report and we already know what will happen if we fall short of our goal. That’s why I need you now: Supporter/
Hillary Clinton is going to spin it every way she can, the media certainly won’t cut us any breaks, and Donald Trump will be attacking me on Twitter in the middle of the night, but that’s nothing new and I’m not alone in that.
Mike, we only have 4 days to show that this campaign is ready to fight.
We’re running out of time and I’m counting on you. Please chip in before our deadline in 4 days: Supporter/
Thank you,

As Jeb attacked Hillary, the bigger story was the resignation of the House Speaker, John Boehner. It was of interest as this was sent out from Sarah Palin's PAC which underscores the sentiment of the Conservative "Grassroots" out there:
"Here’s the deal: grassroots conservatives’ commitment to adhering to the Constitution and to restoring America’s freedom and free enterprise is very real.
You can only thwart the will of the people for so long. First Eric Cantor, now John Boehner. Senate leadership that’s now on notice surely takes this seriously. The conservative grassroots is calling out the permanent political class and that’s reflected in the GOP presidential polls.
Bold, independent Congressmen in Washington prove they’re to be reckoned with now, and they deserve voters’ thanks for doing what we sent them to do – shake up the status quo and get the country back on track.
On Sunday, The Sanders campaign was in our "neck of the woods"-Orange County as his campaign continues to be soldier on. As we went to press, though, what we found telling were the polling numbers that NBC News reported on Meet the Press Sunday. The three leading GOP so-called "outsiders" continue to lead the pack--as Marco Rubio and John Kasich continue to "gather steam". A Kasich-Rubio combination will be interesting if it goes up against a Clinton-Webb ticket.
Our team also had a chance to catch GOP Presidential candidates appearing at the Voter Values Summit. Senator Cruz was in his element about a nuclear Iran, repealing Obamacare and what he said, " introduce the Ayatollah to 72 Virgins" (basically to see it that he is assassinated to the appaluse of the all. It was striking how angry he was.
Donald Trump, though, continues to soldier on as well. He noted in his 60-Minutes interview on Sunday that he would have a Tax Plan and reitrated how he was going to self-fund through the Convention. This is as Jeb Bush, though, continues to poll quite poorly as he sent out this fundraising appeal as well as HIllary Clinton that had fundraisers sent out under both her own name and her Campaign Chair, John Podesta:
This is the most important email I’ve sent to supporters since we launched the campaign, so I’m going to cut right to the chase.
We’re only 4 days away from filing our quarterly fundraising report. This report will be posted for the world to see and as I’m writing this email, we’re still short of our goal of $200,000 for the month.
I need your help. I need you to pitch in $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford so we can turn this around.
This is a major deadline and it couldn’t come at a more critical time in our fight to take on Hillary Clinton in 2016. I know it doesn’t seem like an issue at first, but whether or not we have a strong showing could make or break this campaign.
My opponents will be pouring over every detail of our report and we already know what will happen if we fall short of our goal. That’s why I need you now:
Hillary Clinton is going to spin it every way she can, the media certainly won’t cut us any breaks, and Donald Trump will be attacking me on Twitter in the middle of the night, but that’s nothing new and I’m not alone in that.
Mike, we only have 4 days to show that this campaign is ready to fight.
We’re running out of time and I’m counting on you. Please chip in before our deadline in 4 days:
Thank you,
As Jeb attacked Hillary, the bigger story was the resignation of the House Speaker, John Boehner. It was of interest as this was sent out from Sarah Palin's PAC which underscores the sentiment of the Conservative "Grassroots" out there:
Dear Friend,
Here is what the Governor said:
Here is what the Governor said:
You can only thwart the will of the people for so long. First Eric Cantor, now John Boehner. Senate leadership that’s now on notice surely takes this seriously. The conservative grassroots is calling out the permanent political class and that’s reflected in the GOP presidential polls.
Bold, independent Congressmen in Washington prove they’re to be reckoned with now, and they deserve voters’ thanks for doing what we sent them to do – shake up the status quo and get the country back on track.
Bold, independent Congressmen in Washington prove they’re to be reckoned with now, and they deserve voters’ thanks for doing what we sent them to do – shake up the status quo and get the country back on track."
Governor Sarah Palin via Breitbart News Network
It will be an interesting few weeks as Congress wrestles with short term Government funding and the battles linger on.
Interesting times indeed......
Sunday, September 27, 2015
View of the Week: On Success
Our team dug this up from the archives in order to share this as a "lessons learnt" for all to enjoy:
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Notations For the Weekend: ספטמבר בשיראז | Haifa 31st International Film Festival
The Haifa International Film Festival has begun in Israel. Our team was on the Prowl to assess some of the entrants and one that depicts a Jewish Family in Iran we found especially quite enticing to see. It is also of note that the Noted Iranian Director Mohsen Makhmalbaf is serving as Chairman of Judges and our founder told us how he's fan!!!
Enjoy your visit and check out the selections: ספטמבר בשיראז | Haifa 31st International Film Festival
Friday, September 25, 2015
The Friday Musical Interlude: Klaus Badelt....
It is Friday again here in #Outsiders with the Musical Interlude. It is a solemn day as we are witness to an interfaith service at the 9/11 in New York on the occasion of the Holy Father's Visit. Our team chose this selection from Klaus Badelt as we honor the fallen and remember that we are all Brothers & Sisters in the quest for a common sense of purpose to leave our World a little better than we found it:
Thursday, September 24, 2015
View of the Week: On the View of the Holy Father on Climate Change
Our team just finished a new edition of "Notations" earlier as we have been on the "Virtual Road" with the Holy Father as he gave a speech before a Joint Meeting of the US Congress. Our team chose this "clip" to underscore the dramatic nature of his message by summoning a sense of courage to deal with what he reminded us all is "Our Common Home".
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
An #Outsider Newsflash: On Code For America Summit
We just received this here in our Virtual Studio:
Notations From the Grid: On the State of US Election & A "Blast From the Past"
It has been quite a few days yet again on the Campaign. Our team could not help but dig around old YouTube Clips and ran across this that so directly addresses the state of the campaign today:
Monday, September 21, 2015
View of the Week: On US Election Watch (with some late breaking developments on Scott Walker)
Our team selected this from the +Fortune Magazine Editor Geoff Colvin on the record of Carly Fiorina as we have decided to use the Education Channel to present a view of the campaign until our monthly column on the state of the US Election Campaign around mid-October:
September 21, 2015 |
A new CNN poll released yesterday shows that Carly Fiorina has surged in the rankings since her impressive performance in the Republican candidates’ debateWednesday evening. She had 2% to 4% support pre-debate and now has about 15%, taking virtually all of the increase from the two leaders, Donald Trump andBen Carson. Trump’s support plunged from around 30% pre-debate to 24% in the new poll, and Carson is now a point behind Fiorina. The snowballing trend is voters’ growing contempt for politicians. A troika now tops the Republican race, with over 50% combined support, and they’re the only three candidates who have never held elective office. The new issue is Fiorina’s record as Hewlett-Packard’s CEO, the centerpiece of her case for why she’d be a good president. That record will now attract much closer scrutiny than it has received so far. Here’s how to sort out what we’ll be hearing. Fiorina argues her case clearly and strongly. She says that what she did at HP was “double its revenues to $90 billion, triple its rate of innovation to 11 patents a day, and go from a laggard to a leader in every product category and every market segment in which we competed.” She also boasts of doubling employment. And much of that is true. The many, many people who believe she was a disastrous CEO – and that group would include me – observe that she doubled revenue and employment simply by buying a large company, Compaq, in a deal that was a huge loser for HP shareholders. Her claim of going “from a laggard to a leader in every product category” is distinctly odd, since HP was already the overwhelming leader in printers when she arrived, and by the time she left, the company still didn’t dominate any other business. Increasing patents is nice, but only if it pays off for shareholders, which it didn’t. Neither did anything else during her tenure. The stock dropped, and while she likes to point out that her time was a tough period for tech firms, it was a lot tougher for HP shareholders than for those of IBM, Dell, or the S&P tech index. She underperformed them all. If you want the withering details of her performance, the best analysis by far was written by the great Carol J. Loomis in a 6,700-word 2005 Fortune cover story called “Why Carly’s Big Bet Is Failing.” Here’s Loomis’s conclusion: “It is right to ask whether this whirlwind [Fiorina] has succeeded. And inevitably that question must be answered in two parts. First, under the only lens that matters, did the famed merger that Fiorina engineered between HP and Compaq produce value for HP’s shareholders? Second, with that merger nearly three years past, is HP in shape to thrive in a brutally competitive world? “The answers are no and doubtful.” A few weeks after that article appeared, the HP board fired Fiorina. The company gained almost $3 billion of market value on the news that day. She was only 50 years old and has not run a publicly traded company since. It may well be that, as Chris Christie said during last week’s debate, the voters don’t really care how well or badly she did at HP. But it’s hard to see how Fiorina avoids talking about it, since it’s the only record she has to present to the voters. And the more closely they examine it, the worse she’ll look. It is also quite of interest as one of the former rising stars, Scott Walker, is dropping out of the US Presidential Race despite all that he did in Wisconsin. He has called a press conference at 6:00 PM EST to discuss this. This is as Ben Carson is trying to fend off controversy after his comments that Muslims are not qualified to be President. Interesting times.... |
Notations From the Grid: On Mecca as the Annual Hajj Begins (Courtesy of Al Jazeera)
Want to see inside Mecca? Take a 360-degree tour with @Basma_
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) September 21, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Notations For the weekend (II): On US Eletion Watch
It was an interesting day on the US Public Affairs Talkshow circuit. We decided to refrain from general comments--but we felt that these two Tweets we released earlier is of interest to get a sense of two of the frontrunners and what the views are as the Campaign season continues:
The first of 2 "Views of the week" On #uselectionwatch:
— The Daily Outsider (@DailyOutsider) September 21, 2015
On #uselectionwatch as #Trump tells Yale's Jeff Sonnenfeld why he should be President via @FortuneMagazine
— The Daily Outsider (@DailyOutsider) September 21, 2015
Thought For the Week
Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way. ~ Swami Vivekananda
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Notations For the Week-End: On Innovations In State & Local Government
Our team had a chance to join the 2nd Annual State and Local Government Virtual Summit On Wednesday. We wanted to report on it here to get a sense of the level of innovation and ideas which we hope is of interest:
Friday, September 18, 2015
The Friday Musical Interlude: Rana Mansour Performs "No Place Like Home"...
It is time for the Friday Musical Interlude here in #outsiders. Our team chose the Iranian American Performer Rana Mansour and we hope all enjoy this beautiful song as we wish all a fab weekend:
View of the Week: On Constitution Day In the United States
Thursday was US Constitution Day here in the United States. In celebration of this day, our founder was good enough to share this he received from Walden University which we hope all find of interest:

Happy 228th United States Constitution Day!
Did you know that when the Constitution was signed, the United States’ population was 4 million? At that time, Philadelphia was the nation’s largest city, with 40,000 inhabitants. Today there are over 321 million people living in America. Philadelphia is the fifth largest city, with a population of 1.5 million.
September 17 is Constitution Day and Citizenship Day! Join Walden as we celebrate the Constitution’s anniversary by learning more interesting facts about the world’s longest surviving written charter of government.
To learn more about the Constitution, you can:
- Read a section-by-section explanation of the U.S. Constitution on this special section of the U.S. Senate website.
- Read brief biographies of the Founding Fathers of the United States.
- View It's a Free Country with Peter Sagal, and learn more about what Americans believe is the most important feature of the Constitution: The Bill of Rights.
- Discover your “Constitution IQ” in this brief, fun quiz from, publisher of pocket Constitution books.
- Watch live broadcasts of popular Constitution Day events.
From how U.S. citizens elect government officials to how American tax dollars are distributed, the U.S. Constitution is a document that impacts the lives of millions every day. So today, let’s celebrate and rediscover the United States Constitution.
Your Student Support Team
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Notations From the Grid: #IStandWithAhmed
Our Founder joined the Twitter Support Campaign for Ahmed Mohammad yesterday as this young 14-Year old had to go through the arrest and the subsequent Media Frenzy on it as Mehdi Hassan interviewed him on UpFront:
I just finished interviewing the 14-year-old legend, Ahmed, from Texas. Literally, #IStandWithAhmed. :-) Interview online soon via UpFrontHe has been invited to The White House and meet up with the Founder of Facebook. It was also of note as we went to press with this that apparently he has been offered a scholarship to go to a charter school. Our team felt it was a wake-up call to underscore a simple yet crucial fact that "STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)" is ever so critical as America is to emerge and sustain its' leadership in the World.
Posted by Mehdi Hasan on Thursday, September 17, 2015
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Notations On the Grid: A "View of the Week" On #TheIranDeal (The View From Iran)
For this edition of "View of the Week" we wanted to release this as an indication of the level of challenges being faced as the Iran Deal was being deliberated in the Iranian Parliament. The debate was interestingly similar as Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister lost his cool as he lambasted the nonsense debate going on and how he noted how "unfair" the characterizations represented:
عصبانیت عراقچی در کمیسیون ویژه بررسی برجام در مجلس شورای اسلامی----------------------------------------------- برای دریافت آخرین اخبار در فیسبوک، با مراجعه به لینک زیر و کلیک روی دکمه لایک در بالای صفحه، عضو فن پیج مردم ریپورت شوید
Posted by on Sunday, September 13, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
An #Outsider newsflash: How to Research Presidential Candidates
On the eve of the upcoming CNN Republican Debate and the on-going Democratic Debate coming up, Our team ran across this courtesy of the team @USA.Gov which we hope is of interest:
Please click on here to visit On the Issues: How to Research Presidential Candidates
How to Research Presidential Candidates sent this bulletin at 09/14/2015 04:30 PM EDT
With the 2016 Presidential Election a little over a year away, do you know how to research presidential candidates and their political parties? On The Issues has a complete list of all the current presidential candidates and includes their views on issues important to constituents across the United States.
For more information visit our Researching Candidates page on
Please click on here to visit On the Issues: How to Research Presidential Candidates
Monday, September 14, 2015
Notations From The Grid: On the Clash of Civilizations
Walter Russell Mead of Baird College wrote a very perceptive and engaging piece for the Wall Street Journal that is quite insightful in the challenges the World has before it if it is ever to see off the brutality of Daesh and the need to transform:
We are witnessing today a crisis of two civilizations: the ME and Europe. Immigration is where the two collide.
— Walter Russell Mead (@wrmead) September 11, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Notations For the W-End: On an Extraordinary LIfe :-)
Our team has been working on curating the weekend Notations courtesy of the team at +TED . For this edition here in the "Education" Channel, we chose this on one of the most crucial subjects of all: Mathematics & the relationship with Finance with Jim Simons which we hope all enjoy:

Jim Simons was a mathematician and cryptographer who realized: the complex math he used to break codes could help explain patterns in the world of finance. Billions later, he’s working to support the next generation of math teachers and scholars. TED’s Chris Anderson sits down with Simons to talk about his extraordinary life in numbers.Watch »
Friday, September 11, 2015
On This #911Day: Remembering......
Today is Friday 9/11. Fourteen years ago today the horrible day occurred that changed America and the World forever. It is a day to remember and reflect on this Patriots Day as we are here throughout #Outsiders.
Our team's tradition to share the Friday Musical Interlude is dedicated to America Today as we chose David Lanz' Redition of America for this day as we also feature the call to action from the Team at 9/11 Day & Good Deeds. We also join US Senator Kristen Gillibrand of New York as she is spearheading efforts to ensure that all the first responders are taken care of.
This call to action was telling as we should heed the voice of the young who were born on this day:
We close this with this David Lantz Tribute to America as we also note this from President Ronald Reagan:
Our team's tradition to share the Friday Musical Interlude is dedicated to America Today as we chose David Lanz' Redition of America for this day as we also feature the call to action from the Team at 9/11 Day & Good Deeds. We also join US Senator Kristen Gillibrand of New York as she is spearheading efforts to ensure that all the first responders are taken care of.
This call to action was telling as we should heed the voice of the young who were born on this day:
| ||||||
We close this with this David Lantz Tribute to America as we also note this from President Ronald Reagan:
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