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Friday, September 15, 2017


As we go dark in all our properties, we hope all continue to enjoy visiting our Virtual Circle we've curated in our home property and our broadcast pods featuring Al Jazeera and Sky News.  We also will keep our Twitter Channel updated with regular updates courtesy of our partners Nuzzel and Paper_li.

As we have reflected upon our journey, these captured the essence of our view on the privilege we have had to serve as we look forward to the on-going journey:

Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply.
And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your maker,
to the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being.
- Bob Proctor

It is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives
for which we should be particularly grateful.
They are the things that fill our lives with comfort and our hearts with gladness --
just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breath it;
just warmth and shelter and home folks;
just plain food that gives us strength; bright sunshine on a cold day;
and a cool breeze when the day is warm.
- Laura Ingalls Wilder

We also pay tribute to all the valiant fighters for freedom and justice around the World as we also remember all the journalists, human rights campaigners and the US Dreamers as we leave you all with one of our favorite poems that has inspired us ever more: 

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