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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

!Notations On Our World (Special Weekly Edition): One of the Leading Voices of Dissent in #Iran Speaks Out:

The #IranProtests has subsided and our team is working on a major project that would be published in our Main Property Soon as part of our Projects for the properties for March here in the Daily Outsider.  In line with the mission of our Education Property, we present this retrospective from one of the leading voices of dissent inside Iran, Professor Sadegh Zibakalam of Tehran University.

Profesasor Zibakalam has been at the forefront of dissent speaking out against the policies of the Islamic Republic and sought to set the narrative with a number of very crucial books that has run counter to the Islamic Republic's Narrative--his latest book ont the founder of the Pahlavi Dynasty, Reza Shah I, was banned and he then took to Social Media to read its' preface (The clip is in Farsi)>

Professor Zibakalam was recently dismissed from Azad University by the head the University, Ali Akbar Velanyati (who also serves in 22 other capacities in addition to serving as the Personal Physician to the Ayatollah Khameini's Grand Children) due to what we view as such political activities.    

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