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Monday, October 28, 2019

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Our World

As part of our mission, we are always pleased to present thoughts & ideas on how to be educated about our World-this courtesy of the Visual Capitalist is in line with our mission which we hope all enjoy:

Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics

Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place!
The World's 20 Most Profitable Companies
Saudi Aramco, the state oil producer in Saudi Arabia, rakes in $304 million of profit per day - putting it atop the world's most profitable companies.
How Millennials are Fueling the Rental Economy
This infographic explores how the millennial generation are fueling the short-term rental industry—is it a passing fad or a shift in buyer behavior?
Why It's Time for Banks to Make Bold Late-Cycle Moves
As we enter a late-cycle economy, a staggering 60% of banks are destroying value. Here’s the steps they can take in order to succeed.
Top 20 Companies: Carbon Emissions 
Since 1965, over ⅓ of the world’s cumulative carbon emissions can be traced back to just 20 fossil fuel companies. Who are the biggest contributors?
World Cities Ranked by Average Annual Sunshine Hours
While we all see the same sky, some see it differently, depending on where they live. Today's graphic ranks world cities by annual hours of sunshine.
Prove Your Metal: Top 10 Strongest Metals on Earth

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