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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

View of the Week: On Being Ever So a New Quarter Dawns....

On the dawn of a new quarter,  a sense of gratitude was in order.  We here @ "outsider" hope  that these clips (courtesy of the team @ SimpleTruths) will underscore this....Onward....   

  Learning to Dance in the Rain

No matter what challenges you face, understanding the power of gratitude can change your life forever! Don’t stop for the rain…just dance!
Learning to Dance in the Rain
 May You Be Blessed

Rekindle your inner light or help brighten someone else’s day. Live more abundantly than the day before…and may you be blessed. This beautiful gratitude video reminds us of our blessings.
May You Be Blessed
  The Perfect Moment

There are perfect moments occurring in your life, no matter how things may seem. You just need the right perspective! This short video shows you how to become grateful for the things in your life.
The Perfect Moment

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