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Friday, October 10, 2014

View of the Week: On A Thought That Can Change Your Life

Part of the Education Journey is about a sense of transformation.   That sense of transformation is underscored through a positive affirmation to ultimately succeed.    Darren Hardy's Daily Mentoring was ever so timely which is a pleasure to share as a "View of the Week" here in the Education Road:

This one thought changed my life... and I hope it will do the same for you:
Action for Today:
Say and express out loud to yourself or to a friend/coworker:
3 things you are grateful for today, this week, this month, or this year.

You'll be surprised how good it will feel to express that feeling out loud.
The best part, it will change the state of the person you express it to as well.
You'll be an instant Change Maker!

Your Daily Mentor,

P.S. Need help thinking of things to be grateful for? Try the Gratitude Assessment worksheet here.

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