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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Notations From the Grid: #IStandWithAhmed

Our Founder joined the Twitter Support Campaign for Ahmed Mohammad yesterday  as this young 14-Year old had to go through the arrest and the subsequent Media Frenzy on it as Mehdi Hassan interviewed him on UpFront: 

I just finished interviewing the 14-year-old legend, Ahmed, from Texas. Literally, #IStandWithAhmed. :-) Interview online soon via UpFront
Posted by Mehdi Hasan on Thursday, September 17, 2015
He has been invited to The White House and meet up with the Founder of Facebook.   It was also of note as  we went to press with this that apparently he has been offered a scholarship to go to a charter school.   Our team felt it was a wake-up call to underscore a simple yet crucial fact that "STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)" is ever so critical as America is to emerge and sustain its' leadership in the World.

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