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Friday, September 11, 2015

On This #911Day: Remembering......

Today is Friday 9/11.   Fourteen years ago today the horrible day occurred that changed America and the World forever.   It is a day to remember and reflect on this Patriots Day as we are here throughout #Outsiders.

Our team's tradition to share the Friday Musical Interlude is dedicated to America Today as we chose David Lanz' Redition of America for this day as we also feature the call to action from the Team at 9/11 Day & Good Deeds.       We also join US Senator Kristen Gillibrand of New York as she is spearheading efforts to ensure that all the first responders are taken care of.

This call to action was telling as we should heed the voice of the young who were born on this day:

Please watch this 30 second message from one child born on 9/11.

What to do this 9/11.

Today we remember the victims and heroes of 9/11 by doing good deeds.

Any good deed counts. Be kind to others. Put aside differences, and think of ways to help others. Remember the spirit of unity we all shared right after 9/11. Take Hillary's video message to heart.

Please also share your good deed plans with others:

  • Visit and post your good deed on our site. (You’ll need Facebook)
  • Go to Twitter and tweet your 9/11 good deed. Tag us @911day and use #911day.
  • Share on your Facebook or Instagram page, tag us @911day and use #911day.
Tag your friends and urge them to do good deeds, too. You can also join our Facebook orTwitter pages. Read what others are sharing.

On this solemn and important 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, we dedicate our thoughts, our prayers, and our good deeds to those who lost their lives or were injured, to their families, and to the many who bravely rose in service in response to the attacks.

Tragedy wasn’t the only thing born on 9/11. Hope was born too.

We wish you peace on this day.

David Paine                         Jay Winuk
Co-Founder, 9/11 Day         Co-Founder, 9/11 Day

We close this with this David Lantz Tribute to America as we also note this from President Ronald Reagan:

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