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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Notations On the Grid: A "View of the Week" On #TheIranDeal (The View From Iran)

For this edition of "View of the Week" we wanted to release this as an indication of the level of challenges being faced as the Iran Deal was being deliberated in the Iranian Parliament.    The debate was interestingly similar as Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister lost his cool as he  lambasted the nonsense debate going on and how he noted how "unfair" the characterizations represented: 
عصبانیت عراقچی در کمیسیون ویژه بررسی برجام در مجلس شورای اسلامی----------------------------------------------- برای دریافت آخرین اخبار در فیس‌بوک، با مراجعه به لینک زیر و کلیک روی دکمه لایک در بالای صفحه، عضو فن پیج مردم ریپورت شوید
Posted by on Sunday, September 13, 2015

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