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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Notations For the Week-End: On the Approval of the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Our Founder was one of the supporters of this initiative in the State of California which was approved by Governor Jerry Brown.   But, as we went to press, we were also noting the very interesting ruling from Europe on invalidating the Safe Harbors Agreement which may present some other challenges which we will be pursuing further--but any victory on the right to privacy is to be celebrated and we join Google in this here in #Outsiders:

Great news,  : Governor Brown signed the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act!

Governor Brown heard you loud and clear. This means that all of our electronic communications and records will be protected from warrantless inspection by the state, regardless of format or age.

This is huge for California and sets an example for the rest of the country when it comes to protecting digital rights.

Governor Brown signed CalECPA!

This wouldn't have been possible without you. Once again, we've shown that Internet users can shape public policy by speaking up.

If we can do it in Sacramento, we can do it in Washington, too! We hope you'll stick with us as we continue to work toward ECPA reform on the national level.

Thanks for taking action!

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