Creative Commons License

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Notations On the Grid: An #Outsider Newsflash On Creative Commons....

We here @ #Outsiders supported a Kickstarter Project on Creative Commons.  The World Wide Conference was held recently and we received these highlights from the Worldwide Conference which we wanted to report on:
A huge thank you to all of you who helped make Creative Commons' 2015 Global Summit in Seoul such a success! We know many of you travelled from far and wide or tuned in online in order to be with us — from Australia to Chile to India to Kenya to Lebanon, and across the globe.
The energy and momentum of our global movement to support the continued growth and diversity of the commons is much needed and was deeply felt at this year's summit – our biggest global convening in CC history.
One major highlight we'd like to share with you: our theme for day one was the Celebration of Sharing, 우공이산(愚公移山) 우공이산(愚公移山) or U-gong-i-san meaning "the foolish man who moved a mountain," celebrating our persevering spirit and the spirit of the Commons. 
To kickoff this celebration, we were honored to have a special surprise guest, Creative Commons founder and current United States presidential candidate Lawrence Lessig join us with a keynote, sharing stories from CC's history and rallying support for our future work together. Watch Lawrence Lessig's full Global Summit talk.

Photo by Sebastiaan ter Burg, video by CC Korea. CC BY
Days two and three focused on the Work of Sharing: 상선약수(上善若水)상선약수(上善若水) or Sang-seon-yak-su meaning "the supreme good is like water" and the Future of Sharing: 수구초심(首邱初心) 수구초심(首邱初心) or Su-gu-cho-shim meaning "a fox turns its head towards the cave from whence it came when it dies." 
Videos from many of our keynotes and programs are available on our website, all packed with ideas, debates, lessons learned, best practices, big wins, and more.

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