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Monday, November 9, 2015

Notations From the Grid: On the Battle For Mother Earth

As we went to press with late breaking developments throughout the #Outsider properties, we received note from the folks at Organizing for Action on President Obama's Call to Action on Climate Change as the United States and the World gear up for the pivotal Paris Conference.    The folks at Take Part  just released this in their newsletter that is worth noting:

What the World's Cities Would Look Like After Catastrophic Sea-Level Rise

Our team's research reflects that the a 2 Degree Celsius rise in sea levels will force 280 Million People to be displaced over the next 15 years.   This is as the nations of the Pacific Ocean are fighting for their lives as epitomized by the plight of the Maldives which is the midst of a political instability which our team will be reporting on soon.

It is clear that what Dr. King noted as the "Fierce Urgency of Now" is ever so crucial.  This is as we have to remember that as the old American Indian Admonition reminds us all:  We borrow the Earth From our Grand Children.

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