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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

On this Veterans Day: A "Thought 4 the Day"

As our team was "on the prowl" on this Veterans Day in the US and Armistice Day in the UK and the Commonwealth, we wanted to share this wonderful thought from the John Maxwell Team as we wish all a Happy Veterans Day:


Today's Word of the Day
Dear Friend,
As we pause on Veteran’s Day to think of those who sacrificed and paid the price for our freedoms, today’s word is “heroism”. A hero is a person who despite of their fears does the right thing. A hero has courage, character and makes a different. How are you demonstrating heroism? Who is the hero in your life?.

Click the image, watch the video, leave us your comments and then pass it along to others, and together we can enrich the world. Enjoy!
Your friend,
John C. Maxwell

Click Here to Play Video
Inspire someone else by sharing today's message.


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