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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Notations From the Grid (Special Edition): A Special Tribute to a Special Organization @moas_eu

MOAS is 3 years Old.  We are privilieged to feature this newsletter in this special edition of "Notations" to pay tribute to a group of selfless souls who make such a profound difference:

August 2017: Happy Birthday MOAS!

Blog Post: Powerful Images 
This August marks the third anniversary of the launch of MOAS operations. Since the beginning of our mission, photographers have been present on board MOAS vessels in order to bear witness to the continuing humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean. Here, we look back on some of the most powerful images taken during our time at sea.

Three Years of MOAS

MOAS Rescue Swimmer nominated
for Great Scot Award
Jim Snedden has volunteered to go back to the Mediterranean on another refugee rescue mission after helping to save the lives of more than 2000 migrants, and he has earned this year's first Sunday Mail Great Scot nominee. Congratulations and thank you for all your hard work!
Auction for Aid supports MOAS
We are very excited to announce that Auction for Aid, a Contemporary Jewellery Auction to benefit the refugee crisis, will be supporting MOAS this year. This year's auction will be from the 18th to the 24th September Their international project has been supporting MOAS for 3 years, and helped save thousands of lives. From all of us here at MOAS, a huge thank you for their invaluable support!
Blog Post: Civil Society in Action
Here, we look back at MOAS’ beginnings as a civil society response to the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean, explore the different forms civil society can take, and how we have been supported over the years by many different communities and initiatives, all of them acting in the same spirit: that of civil society in action.
MOAS in Le Monde:
 "Chronicles of a Rescue" 

Giulio Piscitelli is an Italian photographer who recently embarked on the MOAS SAR vessel, the Phoenix. From his experience with us he made a series "From here to there", which was featured in a piece in Le Monde. 

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