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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Notations From the Grid: #Israel Surprises....

Israel unevieled a new Stamp to honor Cyrus the Great depiciting the Cyrus Cylinder:

رونمایی از تمبر بزرگ‌داشت کورش در اسرائیلدر کشور اسرائیل دو روز پیش، ۱۴ آوریل برابر با ۲۵ فروردین، از تمبری که برای بز...

Posted by ‎Tavaana: E-Learning Institute for Iranian Civil Society توانا: آموزشکده جامعه مدنی ایران‎ on Thursday, April 16, 2015
As we reviewed the Daily "Updates" From the Grid, we here could not help but be surprised in lieu of some of the on-going challenges and stance by the current Israeli Prime Minister we've noted in the Ordinary Faces Channel. It is still a historical fact which we wanted to report on in line with the mission of this Channel in the Outsider Network.

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