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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): On the Tragedy in #Charleston, South Carolina

Our team has been "virtually breathless" as it has been assessing the Political Scene in the United States over the ensuing weeks.   As we went to press with this latest edition of "Notations", though, we were monitoring reports out of South Carolina with an attack by a  gunman at the Emmanual AME Church in Charleston.   

Known as "Mother Emmanuel", it is the oldest and largest African American Congregations in the South.    A news conference concluded within the past hour confirmed 9 victims including the Pastor of Mother Emmanuel, State Senator Rev. Pickney.  

The Charleston Police Chief has noted that this is a hate crime and implored all to come together.   There was also one of the Elders of the Church noting that there will be a prayer vigil at 12:00 PM EST in Charleston.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the People of Charleston, the victims and their families at this trying hour.      Our team will observe a 24-Hour Moment of Silence throughout the #Outsider Properties in honor of the fallen and in solidarity with the people of Charleston.   

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