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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

View of the Week (II) : Kaltura Connect Virtual Education Summit

For this edition of "View of the week", we wanted to share this our team was made aware of for all to review--We hope this is of interest.

Thank you again for registering for Kaltura Connect Education Virtual Summit, which took place last week. If you couldn’t make it to the live event, or if you’d like to watch the sessions again or share the content with your colleagues, you can now view all session recordings on the Kaltura Connect VOD Site.

Kaltura Connect Education Virtual Summit gathered the leaders in education to explore the future of online video. With speakers from New York University, Purdue University, National University of Ireland Galway, Old Dominion University, and others, viewers discovered best practices for teaching through video, to empower students and faculty to create their own content and increase reach on and off campus.

The sessions are all now available on VOD, make sure to tune in to find out how the best educators in the world are reaching students, creating communities, and inspiring their institutions through video.

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