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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Notations From the Grid (Special Edition): From the Obama Foundation Summit

As we go "dark" for Thanksgiving, We wanted to report on this courtesy of the team at the Obama Foundation with some lessons we look forward to building on this thanksgiving Week 2017 and beyond:

Three weeks ago, the first Obama Foundation Summit brought together hundreds of leaders from around the world to exchange ideas and explore creative solutions to common problems in our communities. We wanted to share the top 10 takeaways that came out of that two-day conversation:

Key themes from the Obama Foundation Summit: Balance global challenges with local responsibilities. Build a civic leadership pipeline. Act, don't just talk about change.
Show up in person -- again and again. Imagine the world that's possible and fearlessly pursue it. Use dialogue to humanize difficult conversations. Shine a light on effective civic leadership to demonstrate what works.
Grapple with the positive and negative effects of technology on civic life. Leverage diverse voices to enrich communities. Prioritize self-care and sustained friendships to maintain momentum.
Commit to change.

Commit to changeFired up? Good. Now, make a commitment to put these lessons to work in your community today:

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