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Sunday, September 7, 2014

View of the Week: On the Start of the New School Year :-)

The new school year has started.     It was an exciting week as things got under way.   I was gratified when I got word that a Google Chromebook I had contributed through the Orange County Register's School Laptop Program was received.

It is also bound to be an interesting as the debate ensues over Common Core and the very nature of Education itself.   It was epitomized by this view from one of the leading lights of Venture Capital in Silicon Valley: 
mikepouraryanMike Pouraryan saw this and thought of you!
Kleiner Perkins@kpcb
MUST READ! - "Smart Phones for Smart Kids" - New op-ed by @johndoerr on future of
04:22 PM - 22 Aug 14

I shared it with a few of the local Educational Leaders earlier in the Week--I hope the ideas expressed is taken under advisement.      

As we look ahead, some timely thoughts are ever so crucial for all--lessons to be learnt for sure from key business leaders in our midst today.     This is as teachers are out there on the firing line daily and what was featured by TED was an example of what was within the realm of the possible and inspiring:


8 inspiring teachers

Need a boost to start the school year? Meet 8 classroom teachers with great ideas to try. Watch »
8 talks • Total time 1:23:30 

What Jane Goodal reminded us wa simple:   It is up to us!!!

“What you do makes a difference,
and you have to decide
what kind of difference
you want to make.”
~ Jane Goodall

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