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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Winding Down 2014: Ideas To Motivate & Educate

As we wind down 2014 here in the network of "Outsiders", this advisory received from the team @ Give More underscored the implicit message of our mission for this channel--to create a road to constantly educate and empower.   This captures it we gear up to "onward" and "upward" for 2015!!!

Happy  new year to all :-) 

In case we missed you... (what I think might be most valuable to you and your team in 2015)
The Quickest Professional Evaluation 
2 questions to help measure your professional value. (For me, this is everything.)
Pushing It 
Even the best in the business get pushed. That's where the magic happens. Don't let your ego get in the way of enjoying more!
Better Stories 
Behind every interaction you have and every experience you create, there's a story. What do you want it to be?
Cultivating Thought 
When Chipotle asked the question 'How can we make things better?' ... everybody won. What could you do?
What if each of us viewed everything we needed to do as an opportunity to shine? A true story to inspire you and your team to keep two-twelving.
Regardless Of Circumstances 
A tribute to the late Maya Angelou. Until her passing in 2014, I had no idea she was such a bad@ss.

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