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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Winding Down 2014: The View From the White House :-)

As we write this, the ball has "officially" dropped in New York and it will be The New Year in California within the next few hours.      In the spirit of the mission of this Channel within the Outsider Network, we decided to release this published by the White House as it looked back to 2014.   Despite all the disagreements with President Obama's policies and outlook, what has been produced by the White House and led by Pete Souza is history and worth noting--

Happy New Year:

What happened at the White House in 2014? A lot. Click here to see our 2014 year in review.Watch: Chief of Staff Denis McDonough gives you his take on the most important parts of the year.2014 was a busy year here at the White House. See the wrap-up, then pass it on.

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