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Sunday, March 15, 2015

View of the Week: Checking out +Kifi

We here @ #Outsiders have been testing out and checking +Kifi ever since we saw a very insightful review of it by +Dylan Tweney on +VentureBeat earlier this week.    We just received this "weekly" snapshot which underscores a sense of how +Kifi seems to want to truly be different--even though it will be intergrated with Facebook.  As we hope all enjoy this snapshot, we hope to have further insights on it soon:

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How Can I Make Traveling with Kids Less of a Nightmare?
How Can I Make Traveling with Kids Less of a Nightmare?
Lifehacker · 8 min read
Dear Lifehacker, I have to fly with my two kids, a toddler and an infant, for the first time. I am absolutely dreading it. Besides dealing with the car seats, stroller, diaper bags, and other child contraptions I have to drag along, I'm afraid of being that parent whose children are a terror to the rest of the plane.
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A Look At The Five Most Common Meditation Techniques - Begin Meditating
A Look At The Five Most Common Meditation Techniques - Begin Meditating
beginmeditating​.com · 4 min read
Vipassana Meditation What is it: Vipassana is an ancient technique, famous for the silent retreats where people go away for 10 days and meditate 12 hours a day without any talking in between sittings.
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