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Monday, August 3, 2015

On the Tech Front: The Latest From Microsoft on Windows 10

Windows 10 has been released.   Our team has been assessing it throughout the Week-End and the features have been quite interesting to observe.     As the dust settles in, there is one interesting "twist" which we wanted to share with the #outsider community that was received courtesy of a member of our network which we hope all will take under advisement:

By default; Windows 10 will share your Wi-Fi network password(s) with:

- All of your Outlook contacts. I suggest that you should opt-out.
- All of your Skype contacts. I suggest that you should opt-out.

How-to opt-out?

- Start (button)
- (type) Wi-Fi
- (select) Manage Wi-Fi

Want to inhibit sharing of you WiFi Access Point?

- Add a "_optout" suffix to your SSID

To share you WiFi password with your Facebook friends, you must opt-in. It is an all-or-nothing opt-in.

As with all data stored in the cloud, it is available to govt without a warrant or notice.

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