Our team just released notations on +COP21 which is available by clicking here. It was also of note as we ran across the following recently:
As we saw this from Cambodia, it was emblematic of the possiblities:
We have also been a fan of the "Story of Stuff' as they have worked to do their utmost to change the narrative about our World:
The days are getting shorter, and yet somehow there’s more and more to do. You wish your entryway were decorated with seasonal crafts, but instead it’s cluttered with catalogs. You want to spend time making memories—but how will you get everything done?
We’re here to help. It’s time to take back this season: for family, for reflection, for warmth, and for laughter. And we’re here with the resources to help you live your values from now until the New Year.
Step 1: Say goodbye to junk mail. Stop the clearcutting of forests to bring you catalogs you don’t want, full of products you’d never buy. Sign up for Catalog Choice today. (Bonuses: It’s free, it’s nonprofit, and it’s now managed by The Story of Stuff Project!)
Step 2: Share a photo of you how you live your values on Buy Nothing Day, the day after Thanksgiving. Whether it’s hiking, crafting, baking, calling up an old friend, standing up for justice, or marching in the streets, we want to see what it looks like when you skip the stores and create a new Story. Upload your photo here
Step 3: Take the Pledge. Set your intention to simplify and to live your values with the Pledge to Simplify the Holidays, by our terrific friends at the Center for a New American Dream. Once you sign up, you’ll receive a gorgeous and easy-to-download gift coupon book template. And a list of over 100 non-Stuff coupon ideas. You can scratch going to the mall from your to-do list.
Step 4: Share your values. Let loved ones know how to Gift Outside The Box. Use SoKind Registry to pick out the experiences, crafts, thrift items and one-on-one time you really crave. It’s the only gift registry that will fill your life with memories instead of Stuff.
We wish you joyous days filled with meaning, magic, and moments of calm.
Our best to you.
Shana, Stiv, Emma, Natalie and the whole team at The Story of Stuff Project
along with
Our friends at the Center for a New American Dream
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