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Friday, April 7, 2017

Notations From the Grid : From our Archives (On the Environment)

Please enjoy this from our archives on the Environment as we are witness to unprecedented change in our environment:

Spotlight CA

There's something I'm excited to show you.

Spotlight California is a documentary series we've been working on that explores some of the major issues facing Californians today.

In our first episode, host Kiran Deol meets Californians whose lives have been impacted by the drought and introduces us to the inspiring people who are trying to help.

After watching the episode you'll see how you can help by taking action. Community Water Center is working to help ensure that Californians affected most by the drought have access to reliable, safe, and affordable water.

To watch the full episode and learn more about Spotlight California, including how you can support groups like the Community Water Center, head over to our website. While you're there, show your support for our series by signing up to receive updates about future episodes. Together, we can change the system. Together, we can get results.


Tom Steyer
NextGen Climate

Alexander Verbeek associate at the Stockholm Environment Institute, is one of the most interesting and influential voices on climate on social media. With the Paris Agreement at the UN’s COP 21 climate talks now in the history books, we wanted to get his take on the state of climate action worldwide and what we should be paying attention to in 2016. Read more in this blog post.
Five of the 10 deadliest typhoons to hit the Philippines have come since 2006. And the deadliest storm on record is Typhoon Haiyan, known locally as Typhoon Yolanda, which was responsible for more than 6,300 lost lives and over 4 million displaced people in 2013. In this blog post, learn what’s happening in the Philippines and what you can do about it.

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